We, the gallerist Christiane Bühling-Schultz and the art historian Dr Karin Rase, realised curated exhibition projects at various locations in Berlin from 2012 under the label “C&K unterwegs”. From 2014 until 2020 we ran the C&K Gallery in Berlin-Mitte. Following our credo: “The only constant in the universe is change.” (Heraclitus) we are now planning new ways of mediation and options for art projects. Many years of experience and cooperation with artists is the basis of our work, which is characterised by the notion that art is stimulation, provocation, utopia, emotion and not a vehicle for profit. We represent contemporary German and international artists who explore the boundaries of the classical media of painting, sculpture and drawing in an idiosyncratic way.


Christiane Bühling-Schultz: Studied German and French Languages and Literature, 1989-2010 Gallery owner and co-partnership Galerie Michael Schultz Berlin, since 2011 has been working as an art consultant, curator and writer.


Dr. Karin Rase: Studied History of Art, German Language and Literature, Philosophy and Theatre Studies, since 1990 has been working as an art consultant, writer and curator.